I keep daydreaming about going to Florida in the next couple of weeks, allegedly to visit my parents, but really to go see some baseball.
And yeah, the pitching is going to be crappy. But I'll still be sitting in my same seats, watching the team be crappy, and hoping for some kind of miracle.
I'm a 32-year-old Average Joe sprawling on the fringes of our nation's capital. This seems to be the best place for me to write my pleonastic pablum and use words like "insouciant" (and "pleonastic" and "pablum"). If the mundane details of my social life bore you than think how I must feel. I have to live this shit everyday.
I can't believe that it's spring training time. And by "ours", I suppose you're on a different side from me.
Despite my dislike of Peter Angelos, I still love my birds.
Deez Nats, baby.
I keep daydreaming about going to Florida in the next couple of weeks, allegedly to visit my parents, but really to go see some baseball.
And yeah, the pitching is going to be crappy. But I'll still be sitting in my same seats, watching the team be crappy, and hoping for some kind of miracle.
I've upgraded from 406 to 407 this season. Well, I guess "upgrade" is all relative.
i giggled for like a minute straight after reading deez nats, baby....
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