Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ides of March

I feel obligated to write something today and namedrop the old ides lest I lose any of my postmodern referential credibility. I was simply going to mention it off-hand however the Ides of March do have a bit of ominous applicability to my current goings on.

Although I haven't written about it yet, the last two weeks have been a swirl of emotions dealing with a new relationship that is about to abruptly end due to circumstances beyond the control of both parties. We both knew from the beginning that she was about to move away for career purposes but I had no idea I would develop such intense feelings so quickly. Now all I think of is bad timing and missed opportunities. The closer we get to the date of her departure, the heavier the looming dread weighs on my mind.

Like Caesar I had been warned and like him as well I pressed on with utter abandon. The Liberatores' daggers are not far behind...


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