He did the mash...
...He did the Monster Mash.
Happy Halloween, kids. For a person with a bah humbug attitude regarding just about every "holiday," Halloween is one that I can still get down with. It was the one night each year where as a kid you were allowed to be out running aorund in the dark and causing trouble. If I had actually thought about it when I was 11, it probably would have upset me to realize that for some odd reason I was essentially given carte blanche to scare little kids and roll houses but had I behaved like that the other 364 days of the year I would have been "on resrtiction." Whatever, childhood and ignorance are bliss and I certainly made the most of it.
I still wish I could participate in some capacity. Yeah there are the Halloween parties and such but they have very little to do with Halloween itself. Those are mostly an excuse for my friends and I to get fucked up and oggle our female friends hopefully costumed as Slutty Fill-In-The-Blank. The only grown-up roles left are those of candy distributors but after a little intelligence gathering, I have learned that no one comes around to our building. I do live in a neighborhood of sorts but I would not be surprised if many of the potential trick-or-treaters living in the co-ops across the street have been made to feel unwelcome in years past. So candy distributing is out. Although, I had actually considered going out to one of the Family-Occupied Territories of North Arlington (the suburban equivalent of Vichey France) to hand out candy but I would probably get arrested.
I am sure I'll come up with something more than just sitting around drinking beer and watching The Great Pumpkin which I recorded on Friday. Halloween is like reverse Social Security. I drew on huge dividends when I was a kid so now I have to contribute in my pseudo-adult life.